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Intellectual Outputs

IO2 - Courses on Integrating ICT technologies, Social Media and Virtual Reality in School Training

This output involves the design of courses and learning material about integrating ICT technologies in Training. The target group for this output are teachers, who will learn how to integrate these technologies in their lessons following specific methodologies and guidelines. The courses will include Textbooks, Presentations or Videos about the various guidelines revolving the technologies involved, like Social Media and Virtual Reality. Furthermore, for each of these courses, partners will prepare examples of applying the theory in practice. Specific learning topics will be selected and partners will follow the theory to design the learning material that will include theory and learning scenarios description. 

All these resources will be available on the project's website as Open Learning Resources. Teachers will be able to view the material, study the theory and check the example applications. The resources will also be available through the Virtual World that will be designed and is described in O3. The Virtual World will be where the learning scenarios prepared as part of the example applications will be implemented.

Teachers following this course are expected to be able to follow the same steps to create their own material, describe learning scenarios and implement them in a Virtual World environment. This output is one of the most important of the project and we expect that will benefit many training organizations and individual trainers to take advantage of these emerging technologies in school training. This could have a great impact in distance learning in general.

Open Learning Resources