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Intellectual Outputs

IO1 - Studies, best practice Guidelines and Roadmaps on the use of Social Media, Web 2.0 tools and Virtual Reality in School Education

The main aim of this IO is to create a Roadmap on European level on the use of Social Media, VR and ICT technologies in school education.

Initially, a set of studies will be carried in partner counties as well as on EU level to examine the current use of digital technologies and SM, VR in school education. The good practices will be specified and efficient approaches will be analyzed.

Also, the results of this IO will assist in identifying suitable techniques and pedagogical approaches that will be used in the 3D training methodology that will be designed, focusing on the requirements for efficient school training through virtual simulations and learning activities. Organizations involved in training and particularly school education will benefit from these studies, by getting informed about the various learning capabilities of SM and VR and digitial technologies and introduce themselves to good practices and pedagogical approaches on how to exploit them.

Aims and Objectives

Study in European level and preparation of reports on various topics based on which the methodology will be based.

These reports will include:

  • State of the Art of Virtual Reality and 3D Worlds
  • Study on 3D Virtual Worlds Training and Good Practices around Europe
  • Social Media opportunities in 3D Virtual Worlds
  • Gamification opportunities in 3D Virtual Worlds
  • Pedagogical approaches for 3d World Training
  • Issues about the special educational needs of vulnerable users and the prevention of digital exclusion.

These studies will provide the framework on which the 3D training methodology will be based.